Cast Your Burdens
Cast Your Burdens – Learning to Cast
by Brenda Blakely
Cast: “to chuck, throw out, or to throw overboard.”
"Cast" is a familiar term around the water.
Fishermen cast their bait in hopes of catching the big one. The catch, no matter the size, must be cleaned and prepared before the fishermen can fully reap the reward. After the work is done, the catch comes to the dinner table prepared for all to “Come and get it, eat and enjoy.”
Passengers who find themselves in an emergency situation while aboard a boat or ship may get a different concept of the word "cast." In order to survive, those on board may have to "cast" overboard the things that threaten the safety of the ship or hinder it from reaching its destination.
People "cast" their lot for the catch -- the big one in life. The catch may be a new job, new house, or new spouse -- things they want so badly. We think these items will make our lives complete, but soon learn otherwise. Beginning to live with the "catch," moving in, settling down, and /or beginning the new job may expose some flaws. There may be things to fix or work to be done before this catch really reaches its potential.
The "catch" can become a blessing or a burden.
When the circumstances of life become a burden, we want to cast it overboard, just as the person does who is onboard a conveyance in distress. But casting is not as easy as it looks either for the survivor or the person who has burdens in their life.
Cast Your Burdens – What do we do with our burdens?
So what can we do?
We can:
- Carry the burdens to family or friend
- Spend time unloading on a counselor’s couch.
- Cast the burdens any place that there is someone who will listen, maybe even to the stranger on the street
Few people want to listen to our woes and troubles. Even fewer have any idea what to do about our difficulties. People may even want us to help them carry some of their load. No one seems to have the time to listen.
There is one place we can "cast" our burdens. A place that far exceeds the list above. There is someone who can be the best friend you'll ever have and you can be a part of His family. He is a counselor, who has no equal and He is available and wants to listen -- any time of the day or night. He takes whatever burdens you want to cast upon Him and takes care of them for you.
His name is Jesus. He waits right now for you to call on Him; to cast all of your burdens upon Him. Will you respond? Will you let Him take care of the heaviest burden you have, your sin?
Jesus gave His life so that you do not have to carry your burden. He knows this burden hinders you from having eternal life. He knows your sin burden hinders you from living the abundant life that God created you to live. He knows your sin hinders you from experiencing joy and peace that has no bounds and hinders you from receiving all that God has promised and created you to receive.
You just have to ask.
He promises not to cast you away -- no matter what you have done (see John 6:37). There is nothing you have done, no burden you have, that He can't take care of for you.
He cares for you, He loves you. You can call to Him now, right where you are.
Jesus, I am a sinner. I need You to take care of my burdens. Because "all have sinned” (Romans 3:23), I know, I too, am a sinner. Will You come into my heart, wash all my sins away, and make me whole? Will You clean me up and prepare me to live the life God created me to live (see John 3:5, 15-16)? Will You show me the way and the truth? Will You take care of my burdens?
In the Bible, God tells us how: "Casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7).
If you would like to help with the burdens of hungry children throughout the world, please consider our friends at Compassion International. You can make a huge difference through one of their
support a child programs.
Learn how to cope with anxiety
We have all
sinned and deserve God’s judgment.
God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him.
Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He
died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was
buried, and
rose from the dead according to the
Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "
Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from
judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.
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