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Serving God

QUESTION: Serving God - A Prayer for Leaders


Serving God – Insights from God’s Word
Behold, He is standing behind our wall, He is looking through the window, He is peering through the lattice. - Song of Solomon 2:9

I know My sheep and My sheep know Me. - John 10:14

Serving God - Your Victory or Christ's?
Prayer: I am keenly alert this morning to Your cry, my King. I bow humbly before You -- seeking to see You high and lifted up. I yearn to see You take full control of this rag tag army of spiritual warriors -- so we can plow the fields ahead with accuracy and Your Holy Spirit’s power.

You are everywhere all around us, Lord. Your kingdom is in the midst of birth pangs -- and like a mighty force of nature -- You are raising up Your people to draw us closer to Yourself, so Your will can be done on the earth as it is in heaven. You have sensitized my heart to this need so many times and to this very day -- that cry continues.

I am aware this morning of Your ways. I don’t understand Your ways fully -- yet by Your grace, I am drawing closer and beginning to see with renewed eyes what has been right in front of me all along. I admit it is a little scary to be tightly knit with You -- but truthfully I have no other choice -- as long ago I surrendered my life to You. Looking back I could have never forecasted where I would be today -- and this gives me courage and strength to keep moving forward into the unknown. You are faithful even when I was not. You never left me -- and I know deep within You never will.

This morning I am screaming out for a renewed clarity of vision to help me with my “job” assignment. This ministry You have charged me with can certainly be daunting at times -- but I would not want to be anywhere else. Refresh my spirit with Your divine Presence and with Your wisdom so that I can be used to break down and break through the darkness of strongholds set against me, my family, my church and my nation. I know we must break through these strongholds first before we will be effectively used to take back the nations.

Your Holy Spirit is so sweet in this moment -- so very tender with me. You know my insecurities, and You reach out to reassure me that You will give me all I need to fulfill the mandate You have given me. I needed that assurance this morning, Jesus!

As I pray this prayer, it is becoming clearer that You are calling me to come and sit at Your feet -- to listen and learn. Most importantly, You call me to die to myself -- so that I can grow in the kingdom realities You provide for your kids -- right now, right here on this earth. As I pray, I also recognize this is a lot easier said than done. Allowing you to forgive me, change me and ultimately heal me has been quite a journey -- which continues to this day, and I suspect will continue until I come into my reward in Heaven. Even then I suspect growth will be a continual reality.

O how I desire to live closer to You. O how my heart cries out to spend my days in worship, as I gather momentum propelling me forward into a greater knowledge of Your Divine will. I sense that the life I am living is only a small glimpse into the potential You have set aside for me. I want more of that potential -- and I surely don’t want to continue aimlessly wandering around Your mountain ever again!

To that end, Jesus, I ask you to show me the things in me that are stopping me from grabbing on to all You have for me. I recognize my nature for what it is -- and I certainly want to have You do a rotor-rooter number on anything separating me from You. I truly desire to be dead to myself.

Serving God – Making it Personal
Reflect: Is it the goal of your life to find true intimacy with God? Do you seek after this as the true treasure it really is? Have you been sidelined into believing that all you are doing is sufficient -- and counts for the times you are unable to place yourself in a place of quiet reflection where God can minister to your whole being? There is a battle raging all around the earth for the very souls of men -- and the best tool we have to win this battle is intimacy with Christ. I ask myself often what it is about me that allows me to be fooled by this counterfeit of Satan. We will not make it to the end unless we are tightly knit with Jesus -- and that requires relationship and time. Take an inventory of your recent victories and ask yourself how many of these “victories” are the result of a clear call from God, whispered in your ear during a time of quiet devotion. When I did this I was shocked to discover how many of my “victories” were produced by my own abilities -- without any consultation with God. As I looked at the fruit of these victories I began to see the truth of this. You may need to repent -- but remember when God sets you free -- you are truly free.

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What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

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