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Prayer Leadership

QUESTION: Prayer Leadership - A Prayer to Glorify God


Prayer Leadership – Insights from God’s Word
Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men, since you know you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. - Colossians 3:23–24

Prayer Leadership - Surrendered Servant
Prayer: Jesus, I bow my head in recognition of all You have provided. Everywhere I look I see the work of Your creation, and everywhere I look I also see the hand of man at work. My heart is full this morning realizing how much You value the work that each one of us accomplishes for You. As I have grown closer to you I have been able to watch You place men and women in their rightful places for Your kingdom purposes. Some of them unfortunately have thick veils in place and are unable to see the magnificent possibilities available to them as they are blinded by pride and selfish ambition. Wherever they are working, playing, serving and worshipping -- I ask You to whisper Your wisdom and help them to see the deception working in their lives.

Everything we do we should be done to worship You. Every task we are given, every vision we receive, every step of faith we take, should be done the very best way possible -- as an act of worship to our King. We owe You and Your Body nothing less.

I find myself today seeking Your forgiveness for the multiple times I have wasted the precious opportunities You have given me. I don’t believe it was ever intentional, but I often come down on the side of expediency. You stand ready every day to use us. You give us opportunities to witness and to serve -- and You give us skills to use, and abilities to sharpen. In Your kingdom economy nothing is wasted. In Your kingdom economy we are allowed to see with Your eyes -- which will always give us a vision for excellence -- if we look and pray for it.

I recognize in this moment how tenderly You hold the world in Your hands -- and I realize the love and nurturing care that this has brought to all of us. Everything we do, Lord -- we need to give to You -- for Your glory. Every task, every plan and strategy, we need to turn to You for Your purposes. We are so guilty, my King, of accomplishing many things without even consulting You -- much less obeying You.

I pray this day for the leadership of my church, my country and the world in general. I recognize in all we do, we need to do it as You would have done it. We need to be using our spiritual gifts as well as our natural abilities to accomplish our jobs and to fulfill the mandate for Your end time church. You are preparing Your Body for the return of our King, and You clearly want to be involved in every facet of our work and ministries.

I pray You would give our leaders the wisdom and discernment they need to see with Your eyes, hear with Your ears, and think with Your mind. It is Your heart of love that will bring everything into completion, so I pray they will be consumed with Your same heart of love. You are holy, my God -- You are to be listened to and acknowledged in all we do.

I cry out asking You to advance Your kingdom by changing the hearts of leaders everywhere so they will consult with You first. In order to be a blessing to the world, we must first exhibit Your heart of love. I believe that means we begin in our homes, jobs and ministries. All that we do must be done as an act of worship to You,, our King and Lord. When we do this we will honor one another with our gifting and talents -- as well as our spiritual strengths. We will then begin to see You as the Master architect who is building a magnificent structure that cannot be shaken.

Forgive us, Lord, for seeking after personal recognition. Forgive us for wanting our hand print on the work we do -- in place of Yours. All we have should be seen as a holy offering of sacrifice and praise to You, our God.

Forgive us for not caring about each other. Forgive us for putting individual accomplishment first -- ahead of worshipping You with our talents. Remind us when we need it, that when we put you first in every decision and plan, the results will always be wisdom, fruit, perseverance -- and will bring You all the glory.

Help us, Lord, before we self destruct in pride and ego. Help us to balance what we have been entrusted with by fitting everything together as You desire. You are sounding a trumpet call in our Christian lives to stand firm in our faith, to use our spiritual abilities and earthly talents wisely -- and trust You for Your wisdom. You command us to treat each other with love and a caring Jesus heart.

As You release Your Body to the front lines of battle, we are going to need each other. Blend us together as You choose using our spiritual gifts in combination with our natural abilities and talents. Only then when this combination is released, will true peace and faith be found alive and well in our homes, jobs and ministries -- and by example into this world. One without the other will not accomplish Your purposes. To You be ALL the honor and glory!

Prayer Leadership – Making it Personal
Reflect: As the Body of Christ matures and begins to take its rightful pace in society, the world will begin to see the very nature of Christ Himself at work. Jesus was a great manager of people and time as well as a surrendered servant of God. He managed to accomplish the impossible by combining earthly values with heavenly discernment. He understood -- and so must we -- that we are all gifted with earthly talents that must be surrendered to God’s use. When the Holy Spirit is in control of our lives, meetings, planning sessions, etc. His Body will begin to take shape. I would encourage you to use Your gifts and talents as well as your spiritual strengths and abilities each day. This combination will result in a fullness only God can design for your life. Use it for His glory and for the betterment of the world in which you live. If you need to repent, do it right now. Do not waste one more minute consumed with pride and personal ambition. God wants to use you in ways you cannot even begin to understand until you are set free from pride.

Prayer for Leaders - Learn More!

What do you think?
We have all sinned and deserve God’s judgment. God, the Father, sent His only Son to satisfy that judgment for those who believe in Him. Jesus, the creator and eternal Son of God, who lived a sinless life, loves us so much that He died for our sins, taking the punishment that we deserve, was buried, and rose from the dead according to the Bible. If you truly believe and trust this in your heart, receiving Jesus alone as your Savior, declaring, "Jesus is Lord," you will be saved from judgment and spend eternity with God in heaven.

What is your response?

Yes, I want to follow Jesus

I am a follower of Jesus

I still have questions

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